Tuesday, 30 October 2012

.Net 3.5 Installation on Server 2012 (Prerequisite for SharePoint 2013)

I've worked with computers for a long time.
I cut my teeth on NT4. Windows 95.
Then Windows 2000.
Windows 2003 was a game changer, a polished OS that we installed here there and everywhere. After each installation I would copy the CD (I386 files) to the C drive. There would always be one server you were working on that didn't have it (and I would protest that I did not install that one!)
I remember hearing that in Server 2008 those days were gone. Setup would copy the DVD to the C drive for you. Brilliant....

Today I was installing SharePoint 2013 on a Windows Server 2012 box. All RTM versions.

The prerequisite check kept failing for installing the IIS Role. No problem. I can do it myself. It worked. However the prerequisite check STILL failed on IIS.

I then thought, I bet it needs .Net 3.5. Add it in as a Feature. It failed. Turns out, you need to "Specify (an) Alternative Source Path"

Which actually means you have to type in %dvddrive%\sources\SxS - not even inserting the ISO would sort this one out.
Innovation. One step forward. Two back.
(oh and don't forget the reboot) :)

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Find out Office 2013 Help About Version Number

It's a simple one.

Click File
Office Account


Monday, 13 August 2012

CRM 2011 / ADFS Renewed Certificates

CRM 2011 is a very particular beast.

I had an issue where the ADFS server was passing the credentials to the CRM box but CRM was not accepting them. A Windows Authentication Box kept popping up then eventually a 401 not authorised error would appear.

The event viewer moaned about a few things, but what's new with CRM?

It turned out that the ADFS Certificates for Token-decrypting and Token Signing, adfs.*.local had expired and my trusty ADFS farm had renewed them for me, because when they were installed we used the switch /autocertrolloverenabled.

However, CRM dislikes not being told about the new cert and requires you to set up Claims and IFD again!
To fix it, I had to follow this process: Obviously do your snap shots first, backup etc

  • Open CRM Deployment Manager, Right Click "Microsoft Dynamics CRM" and then click Disable Claims Based Authentication.
  • IISReset both front end servers (web farm.)
  • Open CRM Deployment Manager, Right Click "Microsoft Dynamics CRM"  and click Configure Claims Based Authentication and follow the wizard (with the defaults as they come from the Database.)
  • Then Right Click "Microsoft Dynamics CRM" and click Configure Internet Facing Deployment and follow the wizard .
  • IISreset both web servers.
  • Cross fingers.
  • Cross toes.
  • On the ADFS Server, Open ADFS 2.0 Management, Under Trust Relationships click Relying Party Trusts and then right click the URL's and chose Update From Federation Meta Data for all URL's here (relating to CRM.)

Monday, 5 March 2012

CRM 2011 ADFS Time Out

I needed to change the time out for the IFD / ADFS to 10 hours (not as secure as I'd like it!) in CRM 2011.

On the ADFS farm in PowerShell....

Get-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust -Name "externalname.com"

which listed TokenLifeTime: 480....so I changed it to....

Set-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust -targetname"externalname.com" -TokenLifetime 600