Tuesday, 30 October 2012

.Net 3.5 Installation on Server 2012 (Prerequisite for SharePoint 2013)

I've worked with computers for a long time.
I cut my teeth on NT4. Windows 95.
Then Windows 2000.
Windows 2003 was a game changer, a polished OS that we installed here there and everywhere. After each installation I would copy the CD (I386 files) to the C drive. There would always be one server you were working on that didn't have it (and I would protest that I did not install that one!)
I remember hearing that in Server 2008 those days were gone. Setup would copy the DVD to the C drive for you. Brilliant....

Today I was installing SharePoint 2013 on a Windows Server 2012 box. All RTM versions.

The prerequisite check kept failing for installing the IIS Role. No problem. I can do it myself. It worked. However the prerequisite check STILL failed on IIS.

I then thought, I bet it needs .Net 3.5. Add it in as a Feature. It failed. Turns out, you need to "Specify (an) Alternative Source Path"

Which actually means you have to type in %dvddrive%\sources\SxS - not even inserting the ISO would sort this one out.
Innovation. One step forward. Two back.
(oh and don't forget the reboot) :)

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